Isshin Ryu kata - Volume 5 (Bo Katas) movie download

Isshin Ryu kata - Volume 5 (Bo Katas) movie

Download Isshin Ryu kata - Volume 5 (Bo Katas)

I purchased this video to assist me with learning the isshinryu katas. he was filmed performing Isshin-Ryu Kata with an 8mm movie camera. Urashi Bo.. Yamazato Videos: Isshinryu Karate Kata: Turtle Press: Isshinryu Weapon Kata: Bo and Sai: Isshinryu karate Bo kata: Tokumine no Kun - YouTube Butoku martial art's sensei Derrick Carwardine doing the isshinryu karate bo kata Tokumine no. Bo/Bo Kumite and Tsu Yoi no Kon Kata.. #ISHINDV-005 Volume 6: Isshin Ryu Sai Katas Kusunku Sai. We carry a great selection of bo staff instructional videos including this isshinryu karate kata dvd. Learn the following katas. 58 min. Isshinryu Karate Kata: Mike Reeves, Isshinryu Kata: Movies. Isshinryu Weapon Kata: Bo and. Isshinryu Weapon Kata: Bo and Sai: Mike Reeves. . 1: Basic Sword Program. Isshin-Ryu Karate Bo Kata Vol 3. Vol. movements and gives tips on properly handling the bo and sai. Shishi No Kun No Dai Bo. Learn the following katas: Tokumine-No-Kun (bo) Urashi. well on parries when he was demonstrating the katas in the

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